
复活节期间Spiiker电话英语 外教放假通知






  Easter is the Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus. Legend was crucifixion of Jesus, after the third day of the revival of heaven. The annual celebration of Easter in the church means that the vernal equinox is the first Sunday after the full moon, if the full moon happens to be the day Sunday. Easter week is postponed. Easter may result in the March 22 to April 25 between any day.


  Of all the symbols associated with Easter, the egg, the symbol of richness and new life, is the most important. The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries.Originally, Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. After they were colored and printed with various designs, the eggs were exchanged by lovers and romantic admirers. In the Middle Ages, eggs were traditionally given at Easter to the servants. In Germany, eggs were given to children along with other Easter gifts.
