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Lv 6
Talking with foreigners about job-hunting

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早前听到HENRY面试成功,真的很开心。从他刚那个开始告诉我要来广州面试的时候我很惊讶。因为他本身在一家在深圳很有名的公司任职。我没想到他已经考虑好为自己寻找到了更好的人生方向。那时Henry很担心自己的英语水平,因为要面试的公司是一家外资公司,需要良好的英语听说能力。通过商量Henry很果断的把日常的口语课转为面试口语。一个月来通过Henry的努力和老师针对面试做的系统的练习,Henry的进步非常大。从刚开始的时候紧张和说不出来。到通过每天的练习和不断的努力Henry的口语说的越来越流利。另外他每节课点都很主动。主动跟老师练习,主动去复习预习,在课后有不明白的都会和我沟通。并坚持迎和我用英语对话和邮件沟通。我想正是因为Henry的坚持和好学才让他取的现在的成绩。上周Henry告诉我他已经被面试的那家公司录取了。我真的为他开心。成功并不是偶然,需要靠坚持不解的努力的,希望Henry未来的路越走越好。Best wishes!


He is working very hard on our lesson and I can see that he is willing to study the language very well. He is improving every day. Whenever we have class especially when wee discuss our daily topic he has a lot of things in mind,. He is not afraid of the answers he will give to me, and he is very passionate about the lesson. When the first time I teach him, I admit that I was amazed by his language. Because for a beginners, he was very passionate and he was very intelligent when it comes to answering my questions. I'm very proud of him because he made a big step of progress on our lesson and on his language.
Congratualtions Nan Li! I'm very proud of you!