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在spiiker 学习已经超过三个月了,现在还能清楚的记得前几节课的尴尬,老师的简单问题都不能听懂,在这非常感谢Krystal 老师的耐心教导及帮助,她让我有信心的开口。还要感谢Mannie的关心及帮助。Spiiker 的学习模式很适合我,因为我很容易紧张,电话教授减少了我紧张的程度,并且上课的气氛很轻松,就像是朋友之间的聊天,这种方式很容易让我在聊天的过程中开口讲英语。目前的老师已经换成Hershey老师,希望在接下来的学习中有更大的进步与提高。

Study Manager点评

Vivian is a diligent active student. I know she is very busy with her work, but she can keep studying hard and be full of enthusiasm in each class.She always shares her study experience with her friends and invited them to study in Spkiiker. Thanks for her agreement with the teaching pattern of Spiiker. Nowadays, she can communicate with the foreign teacher Hershey. I believe she can acquire more knowledge from our teacher. Vivian, I am looking forward to your greater progress. Fighting!!


Maybe, all I could ask from you now is to try and always remain focused in learning the language, while trying to appreciate and have fun with everything about it, through thick and thin. I'm pretty sure those people whom you've invited will also find their respective Spiiker teachers just as cool and effective with their teaching skills, just as how you and I get along so well together.

This little gesture goes a long way on your part, and it will also make me all the more eager and determined to actually impart to you all what I know and have mastered, so that one of these days, you'd be able to become as fluent with English as any native speaker in the US.

Many thanks again and I hope for more wonderful times and lessons with you as the days roll on. Thanks Vivian! :) The best of blessings to you and your family ^_^

Very truly yours,